Local Learning Resources
Dancers often have a un-ending thirst for improving their dance skills. Fortunately, we dancers have several local opportunities available to quench that thirst. Our HDSDC web site is regularly updated with our latest information such as:
Group lessons at our monthly dances are low cost, socially interactive and a great place to boost your dance skills. They help you adjust to different leaders/followers, you can accumulate lots of different steps over time, you can be somewhat anonymous within the group, and you can learn with your friends.
Starting in 2022, our annual Membership Drive Workshop will be held in March at the Boise Valley Square Dance Hall. Read more about memberships on our Membership web page. We usually also host a Fall workshop with a pro instructor. We consistently charge our members less than other clubs around the country charge their members for comparable workshops.
There are also learning opportunities available outside of our club:
Other dance clubs and instructors in our area teach dance on a regular basis. Check their web sites and/or Facebook links for details. You can find most of their web links on our Favorite Links web page under Local Sites.
YouTube has loads of dance videos. Try searching by dance name and add a qualifier (e.g. East Coast Swing dance moves.). When using YouTube it is wise to stick with sources that you know and trust. Check out our web page's Beginner Videos link to get started.
There are also regional events that are within driving distance. Most bring in many top-level instructors and dancers. Usually these are weekend events that offer many dance lessons, a variety of competitions, plus amazing entertainment with dance champion exhibitions, contests, and shows. Major Events are listed in the World Swing Dance Council that is in our Favorite Links web page, but there are likely many others.