Dance Etiquette Summary
Etiquette is here to ensure everyone has a good time in a social dance setting, so please pay attention to it.
1. Your outfit and accessories should be comfortable, safe, and also reflect the culture and level of formality of the dance group. Most importantly, do not forget your dance shoes.
2. Ask everyone to dance. Do not monopolize one partner for the whole night.
3. Today's beginners will be the good dancers of tomorrow, so be nice to them and dance with them.
4. Do not decline a dance unless you absolutely have to. Having declined a dance, you cannot dance the same song with someone else.
5. Be considerate of other couples on the floor. Exercise good floorcraft. Do not cut other couples off. No aerials or choreographed steps on the social dance floor!
6. Stationary dancers (e.g. Swing dancers) stay in the middle, traveling dancers move on the boundary along the line of dance.
7. Avoid patterns that your partner cannot do: dance to the level of your partner.
8. Never blame your partner for missteps.
9. No unsolicited teaching on the floor!